Automation for playrooms
Today the business directions related to kids leisure are becoming more popular: each trade center (and other public places) has special playroom for kids, where parents can leave their kid for some time and go shopping or get to important business. This is a very attractive and fast-growing area, but as all others, this business has its own specific processes that are complicated and time-consuming for the staff.

To stabilize the income of such business a proven automation and management system is required to automate the business processes. The Time Director software accounting system is the first cloud solution for playrooms management, therefore its advantages over competitors include prices, consistency, availability, smart cards support and capability of customization by the customer requirements. An order is created in the system for every young visitor (either with a smart card, or manually), that stores visit start time, parent’s contact information, calculations for additional services and optional comments. At the end of the visit the system calculates the cost (including additional service if they were provided) and stores the order for the future statistics and reporting purposes. Time Director is a convenient cloud service that aims to substitute conventional PC software. The system has the following features: flexible tariff configuration, goods and services sales tracking, provision of customers with personal smart cards and discount program, staff bonuses calculation, roles, data export and a lot of other.
To start operating the playroom management system we provide you with a 30-days license free. There is no need to install any software, only Internet access is required. Time Director works on any operating systems and on any devices (laptops, tables, smartphones, etc.).
The system allows both manual input and automatic input modes, thanks to smart cards integration. For the smart card based operation, a USB-reader and smart cards are required. (They can be purchased either from us or from a third party).
If any additional paid services are provided to the customer, or any goods are sold, this data can be added to his order.
There are many methods to increase safety and oversee kids. For example, parents are provided with a smart card that is used to identify their child in future. Furthermore, the system features personal customer accounts. It allows to store photos, contact data and personal data of the customers. Thanks to the feature, it is possible to maintain a customers database, get detailed statistics of the playroom, keep record of bonuses and organize mailings.
Since Time Director is a cloud service, there are no costs related to installation and maintenance of the software, and low subscription cost allows to avoid huge investments to automation software. The business owner can get access to the relevant data of his business from anywhere in the world.

To stabilize the income of such business a proven automation and management system is required to automate the business processes. The Time Director software accounting system is the first cloud solution for playrooms management, therefore its advantages over competitors include prices, consistency, availability, smart cards support and capability of customization by the customer requirements. An order is created in the system for every young visitor (either with a smart card, or manually), that stores visit start time, parent’s contact information, calculations for additional services and optional comments. At the end of the visit the system calculates the cost (including additional service if they were provided) and stores the order for the future statistics and reporting purposes. Time Director is a convenient cloud service that aims to substitute conventional PC software. The system has the following features: flexible tariff configuration, goods and services sales tracking, provision of customers with personal smart cards and discount program, staff bonuses calculation, roles, data export and a lot of other.
To start operating the playroom management system we provide you with a 30-days license free. There is no need to install any software, only Internet access is required. Time Director works on any operating systems and on any devices (laptops, tables, smartphones, etc.).
The system allows both manual input and automatic input modes, thanks to smart cards integration. For the smart card based operation, a USB-reader and smart cards are required. (They can be purchased either from us or from a third party).
If any additional paid services are provided to the customer, or any goods are sold, this data can be added to his order.
There are many methods to increase safety and oversee kids. For example, parents are provided with a smart card that is used to identify their child in future. Furthermore, the system features personal customer accounts. It allows to store photos, contact data and personal data of the customers. Thanks to the feature, it is possible to maintain a customers database, get detailed statistics of the playroom, keep record of bonuses and organize mailings.
Since Time Director is a cloud service, there are no costs related to installation and maintenance of the software, and low subscription cost allows to avoid huge investments to automation software. The business owner can get access to the relevant data of his business from anywhere in the world.
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© 2013-2025 Time Director - cloud service for time tracking and sales management in cafes.
Automation: cafe/timecafe, hookah lounge, playroom